Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 26- Begin poetry unit

You will be focusing on one poet/singer and looking deep into two
of his/her poems.
o   Find a poet/singer. Take a look at the poet’s poems. Are they interesting? Do you think you’ll like them?
o   Find some information on the poet/singer. Give me a brief biography 150-200 words on their life. START A GOOGLE DOC (share it with me) AND PUT THIS INFORMATION THERE.
o   Find out what other people have said about this poet/singer or his/her poems/songs. PUT IN THE GOOGLE DOC.
Now find TWO of his/her poems that resonate with you.
For EACH poem:
o   Copy and paste the poem into a Wordle (goto  Show Schachter when finished.
o   Now, copy the poem into your google doc.
o   Find an image from the computer that you could use as a visual that connects to the theme of the poem and include it on the google doc.
o   EXPLAIN the connection between the image and the poem in the google doc.
o   Print out a copy of each poem.
For EACH poem:
o   Read each of the poems multiple times.
o   Underline any words or phrases that you don’t understand. Discuss the meanings of these words with other students and the dictionary until you feel like you completely understand both poems.  If you need more assistance, ask Schachter.
o   Write a 200 word reflection on the meaning of each poem. I'm not looking for a summary, I'm looking for what the poem's hidden (or not so hidden) meaning is.
For EACH poem:
o   Find any and all of the poetry terms that we studied in class. Circle and label where they occur in the poem-you do not need to point out the alliteration in a rhyming poem every time it happens-once is good enough.
o   Complete the poetry questions worksheet.
o   Read aloud your poem to two other people and fill out the ½ sheet questionnaire.

o   Poetry art-Draw your poem. Make sure to fully show the poem visually. Then fully explain your drawing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Independent Homework reflection #4

A Reflection might include:

·  What has been working this week
·  What has been frustrating
·  What problems I foresee in the next couple of weeks
·  How I might deal with those problems
·  Pictures of the progress I’m making on a project
·  Links to websites that I’m researching along with thoughts on what I’ve found 

Each reflection should be between 50-100 words.

May 24- Poetry terms scavenger hunt

We worked on the following in class:

Name: ____________________________

Poetry scavenger hunt

For each term, give its definition-Use pages in 722-741 in Adventures in Reading







Free verse



Once finished, show that you really understand each of these terms by correctly using each one. This may be nine separate lines or, for extra credit, write a complete poem using these types of poetry terms. WRITE DOWN THE TERM BEING USED NEXT TO EACH LINE.
To make this easier-write the lines about a topic that is interesting/emotional to you. Like the inside of an antelope.

We also did an in-class assignment which would be difficult to place on the blog. 
If you want, you can do extra credit to make up for this (see previous posts for extra credit ideas).

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 10- Line-up questions

We answered the following questions and then discussed them in class:

1.      My favorite character was…because…
My least favorite character was…because…
2.     My favorite part was…because…

3.     It made me think/realize that…because…

4.     If I were…I would/wouldn’t have…because

5.     The play was similar to …(something else you have seen or read) because…

6.     I admire…because…

7.     I think the title is a good/bad choice because…

8.     If I could be any character in the play, I would be…because…

9.     I was surprised when…because…

10.  I liked the way the author did…because…

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Extra Credit

Do any of the following essay questions for extra credit.
The more you write, the more thoughtfully and competently you write, the more points you will get.

  1. 1
    The American dream means something different to each character in A Raisin in the Sun. Discuss these differences and how they conflict with one another.
  2. 2
    Lorraine Hansberry is often viewed as a visionary because of her ability to predict many of the relevant issues to the African-American community today. Identify some of these issues and explain how they are the same or different from how Hansberry portrayed them.
  3. 3
    Within the Younger household, there are three generations of women. Compare and contrast how the characters each form their unique identities.
  4. 4
    Critical reception to A Raisin in the Sun was not all positive when the play first came out. One of the major points of contention was that the play was pro-integration. Some segments of the African-American community felt that integration actually was not the end-all answer to America's race problem. Discuss the ways in which the idea of integration is presented throughout the play. Is Hansberry's presentation one-sided, or does she raise issues relevant to both viewpoints?
  5. 5
    Although Travis does not have many lines, his character is significant. Discuss Travis' importance to some of the prominent themes throughout the play.
  6. 6
    Discuss how the Youngers' environment impacts their life.
  7. 7
    In 1959, abortion was a taboo topic. Discuss how the issue is presented in the play, and how the audience might have reacted.
  8. 8
    How do you think Lorraine Hansberry's own life influenced A Raisin in the Sun?
  9. 9
    Many critics assert that the art of Hansberry's play is that it is less about race than about humanity. Do you think the play would be equally compelling if the actors were white, or some other minority group? Explain why or why not.
  10. 10
    Even though Walter Sr. never appears in the play, he is an important character. Discuss his significance.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12- Finish play and Dream Deferred

We finished the play and then worked on the following worksheet:

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
Like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

            -Langston Hughes

1.  Choose four of Langston Hughes’ similes and draw them on the back of this sheet.

For each of the following characters, write what their dream is, which simile would most likely be true if their dream was deferred and why you think this.




Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 6

Choose parts:  Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Ruth, Beneatha, Walter, Lindner
From 156 (fade out) to 167 GENERAL SCENE Answer questions 53-57

Choose parts:  Narrator 1, Lena, Beneatha, Walter, Ruth, Bobo
Read to 179 FADE OUT
Answer questions 58-65

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2

Independent Reading

I’ll read to 156 FADE OUT
After I read the part where the family is running through the house, students describe/draw the following: Imagine you just bought the perfect house. What makes it perfect? A certain room, the yard, the location? Describe/draw what makes it perfect-3- 5minutes

Students answer, what upsets Walter?
Now describe/draw something that makes your “perfect” house very undesirable.

A white man from Clybourne park shows up their house... what's he want?
Choose parts:  Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Ruth, Beneatha, Walter, Lindner

Read to 167 GENERAL SCENE Answer questions 53-57