Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28- Young, Gifted, and... reflection


Thank you for reading my essay. The title of my project is “Young, Gifted, and…” I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the factors that have contributed to who I am and my place in the world. One of those factors is you.

Please feel free to share any thoughts you have about either this project or your own journey towards who you are.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26- Finish Young, Gifted and ...

We are going to spend today and Thursday polishing up and printing out our Young, Gifted, and ... essays. Here is the rubric for the essays:

What your Young, Gifted, and Black essay should look like:

1.   Create a cover page: Possible title- Young, Gifted and …
2.   Each chapter gets its own page
3.   The chapters will be placed in order from 1-8 (NOT in the order we completed them)
4.   Each page will also be decorated with an image/design/personal image that helps make the page and/or the message of the page stand out

Remember- we will be printing these out, binding them, and sharing them with a loved one!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20- Young, Gifted and #1

Read chapter one of Young, Gifted and Black-

Choose parts Narrator 1, Ruth, Beneatha, George, Walter, Lena, Travis
Read from 110 to 128 to DISSOLVE MONTAGE TO: Answer questions from 38-44

Read chapter one of Young, Gifted and Black-explain last section of writing...

Independent Reading

Choose parts Narrator 1, Ruth, Beneatha, George, Walter, Lena, Travis
Read from 110 to 128 to DISSOLVE MONTAGE TO: Answer questions from 38-44

Young, Gifted and #1 Why it is important to write about me…

This will be the introduction to the packet that we will print out and bind. AND you will be sharing this with someone you care about.

What do you have to share?
How might you convince someone that the words you write have importance and meaning?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 18- Young, Gifted, #8

Choose parts:  narrator 1, Lena, Travis, Ruth, Walter, Beneatha
Read from 96 "she exits" to 110 to FADE OUT
Answer 32-37

#8 Young, Gifted and ______________

  For this section, I want you to fill in the blank. I already know you are Young and Gifted, but what is another part to who you are? This could be your race, your gender, your personality style, the essence of WHO YOU ARE 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 13- Young, Gifted and Black #7

#7 My ___________________

Fill this blank in with someone in your life…father, mother, siblings, grandparents, aunt, friend, coach, teacher…

This person is extraordinary in many ways. Write about how this person is extraordinary. What does he/she do? Think? How does he/she act?

Explain how/why you look up to and respect this person.

Also: We read the following in Raisin in the Sun:

Read to page 84 FADE OUT independently.  At the end, Walter says, “I say it’s a deal!”  But we know that Lena isn’t planning on giving her money to him.  Write down what you think is going to happen.  Then share with the rest of the group.

Choose parts:  Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Travis, Lena, Beneatha, Ruth, Asagai
Read to 96 "she exits". Answer questions 28-31

April 7: Young, Gifted and Black #4

Use these questions to help write your response:

#4: How birth order affected me.

Discuss the relationship you had with your siblings or their relationship with each other.
How do you think your relationship with your siblings affected who you are as a person?
What were some things you did with your siblings?
What lessons did you learn from your siblings?
If you were an only child, discuss how being an only child has affected your: personality, desire for relationships with others, your relationship with your parents.

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11- Young Gifted and Black #6

We completed #6 in Young, Gifted and Black

What were some memories of you and your parents/family? Family reunions, Get-togethers, traditions.
Think of some times when you were with your mom/dad/guardians and they taught you something about life.

Fond memories of being with your family (could be extended family as well).

and also went over the following part in Raisin in the Sun:

Choose parts:  Narrator 1, Lena, Ruth, Beneatha
Read to page 63-80 DISSOLVE TO

Answer questions 23-27